I believe that including aesthetics as part of the considerations for green design is essential for several reasons.  First of all, aesthetics are one of the many important considerations for design in general.  A well design space is aesthetically pleasing because it follows the principles of design and integrates them into a cohesive plan.  Because of this, a well-designed space is not only beautiful and functional, but it is also pleasant to be in.  It beckons others to come and relax and spend time within its walls.  This is an important selling feature for green design.  If green design is to become the standard and sought after method of design in the future, it must create spaces that people want to be in and want to emulate in the future.  For instance, utilizing the principles of biomimicry is one of the ways in which “green” spaces could be made more enticing.  Bringing those aspects of nature which we as humans generally tend to gravitate towards, such as water, natural light, and vegetation, is one of the ways in which we can create more beautiful and green spaces that we want to spend time in.

As Mclennan states, it is only those spaces that are deemed as beautiful which tend to be preserved.  If a space is deemed as only functional but too utilitarian, it is feasible that its occupants could tire of it and want to change it or remodel to suit the new decorating trends of the future.  Beauty can make a space be timeless, and that which is timeless is usually not destroyed.  Thus providing a beautiful space ensures in some way its duration and reduces the need for more construction and de-construction waste in the future. 

Thirdly, making a space or new technology integrated into a space in a more aesthetically pleasing way, also would ensure that people would be more open to utilizing it.  For instance, changing the way the plumbing in a building works (such as using grey water systems, waterless urinals, low flow toilets, etc.) but doing it so in a beautiful and seamless way, allows for the new technology to be more successfully integrated into the space, and thus being used as intended with as little resistance as possible from its users.